"Because Home is Where The Heart Is"
Family Builders Foster Care, Inc. (FBFC) is a therapeutic foster family agency that was founded in 2002 and licensed by the State of California to serve children ages 0-21. FBFC currently has offices in Fresno & Visalia and serves children and families throughout the San Joaquin Valley.
FBFC’s services are two-fold in serving children. First, FBFC recruits, trains, and certifies foster families to provide homes for “special needs children” in the San Joaquin Valley. In certifying families to provide homes for children served, an emphasis is placed on safety, commitment, and diversity among families within the Agency. Second, FBFC accepts referrals from placement Agencies that include; Child Protective Services, Probation Departments, and the Central Valley Regional Center, and matches them into foster homes available within the Agency. Agency staff provides children and families served with a high level of support, training, and assistance to achieve stability for children we serve.
FBFC firmly believes that through sensitive, competent, and goal-directed care, we are able to “turn lives around,” helping youth to become successful in the home, academic, and community settings. FBFC supports the importance of the child’s relationship with their birth parents, siblings, and extended family members and provides supports, transportation, and therapeutic services to enhance those relationships whenever possible. Given the high frequency of academic failure among children in foster care, the Agency provides unique support services to children placed that include educational tutoring and interim counseling services.
FBFC is committed to providing culturally sensitive and competent care to meet the needs of children served. In response, we employ a culturally diverse staff similar to the diversity among youth served to meet their cultural, linguistic, and ethnic needs.
Lastly, FBFC is proud to have the opportunity to provide therapeutic foster care for children in the San Joaquin Valley. We invite feedback and comments from our community partners and will gladly offer you a tour and/or meet with you to discuss our program in further detail.

Our Philosophy
FBFC’s philosophy is to set the example for all parties served. FBFC expects staff to be diligent, accountable, and have a positive attitude when handling any task assigned to ensure that the community, certified and resource parents, and minors and NMD are being treated with respect, honor, and dignity. Through this example, our hope is to see the persons served show the same courtesy to create a stronger agency.
FBFC’s top priority is to ensure the well-being of all minors and NMD by providing homes that are qualified, caring, and trained. FBFC takes pride in certifying parents and equipping them with the knowledge and understanding in how to provide a safe, positive, and an enriching environment for the minors and NMD during these challenging and fearful times of transition. Certified and resource parents will provide a path of love, compassion, and security to all minors and NMD placed in their homes to give them an opportunity to thrive and grow into adulthood, despite their current life challenges.
FBFC is contracted with Tulare, Kings, Fresno, and Madera counties to receive referrals for foster care and AB12. Referrals are accepted from placement agencies that include Child Protective Services, Probation Departments, and the Central Valley Regional Center. With an emphasis on safety, commitment, and diversity among the families certified through our agency, FBFC is able to match these placement referrals into an available certified or resource home.
FBFC is contracted with Tulare, Kings, Madera Counties to provide Intensive Treatment Foster Care / Intensive Service Foster Care (ISFC) to clients within the agency.

Payment & Funding Sources
FBFC receives funding through our contracting agencies and a percentage is reimbursed to the certified and resource parents based on state regulations. Certified and resource parents are reimbursed this amount on a monthly basis for the minors and NMD placed in their home. It is expected by FBFC that the monthly reimbursement will cover the cost of incidentals necessary for the health and general well-being of the minor or NMD. Reimbursement is calculated by the age and the duration of placement.

Our Goals
We pioneered international adoption and we remain the leaders today, upholding the highest ethical standards as we unite loving, permanent families with children who truly need them.
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Children enter foster care through no fault of their own, because they have been abused, neglected, or abandoned.
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These children are in the temporary custody of the state while their birth parents are given the opportunity to complete services that will allow the children to be returned to them if it is in the children’s best interest.
Adoption Programs
Adopting from foster care is similar to other types of adoption in that after all of the decision making, paperwork, and preparation are completed, a dream of family is fulfilled.
Back-to-School Help
An important aspect of fostering, even while the foster family is being considered to adopt the child in their care, is that foster parents must actively support efforts to reunify children with their birth parents so long as reunification remains the child’s permanency plan, as determined by a court and public agency that are responsible for their custody and planning.
Children deserve to live in safe, nurturing homes where they can feel valued and loved.
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That’s why we fight for the hope and happiness of young people when it’s threatened by abuse, exploitation and neglect. We see the hope and courage in young people every day, and it inspires us to support them through their most serious life challenges.